Ty so much for your analysis, Mr. Lowry - what an unsettling year.

I'm going to go bake some pumpkin bread and share it around πŸ‚πŸžπŸ‚πŸŽƒπŸ‚πŸžπŸ‚

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That is so definitely a true statement. Back to back major hurricanes hitting my area in 2 weeks was a bit much.

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I guess Cat is celebrating the end of the season. Turkey Day and pie are soon coming up!!

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I am counting down the days to the end of this season. Normally it doesn't get to me much but this one was a....well, very unpleasant one. I really wish it would cool down though as it usually does by this time of year. It did for a week then went back up to hot and humid.

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That's because of the southeast ridge. It looks like that ridge will gradually go away toward the end of the month. In fact, it looks like we up HERE will have at least SOME lake-effect snow the week after Thanksgiving. Expect cool days like 60s for you, and chilly lows around 40 by the end of the month if my intuitive guessing is correct.

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You usually are and I really hope it does. love this area because I get so many more months of wonderful weather than I did in Michigan but the summer really is quite unpleasant, mostly in the late afternoons and at night after the pm thunderstorms.

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Forgot to add that most times in hurricane season we don't often get a direct hit. Most of the time if one passes we might get some side storms but that is generally all. This year was a bit nastier than usual.

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Thanks for this update!

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