In Gulf Shores on the Alabama coast we had a significant feeder band starting 9-10+ pm and I’d guess 30-40 mph gusts, sporadic heavy rain and a tornado watch. Went on for hours.The beach is scoured clean this morning. All in all everything looks good. Heartfelt wishes to LA folks.

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I am glad you are OK.

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Some people keep complaining saying the meteorologists are needlessly scaring people with their predictions of this year's hurricane season but are ignoring the fact that of the few named storms so far 3 of them have hit the US mainland. That is highly uncommon as some seasons are active yet none hit the US mainland at all and we still have the worst of the season to get through.

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They will complain until they get the tragedy of 20-30 storms that they want. They just want the forecasters to "be right". Be careful, people, for what you wish for. If the forecasters were right about their 20-30 storms, and let's say 1/3 or 10 of those hit the U.S., out of 30 storms, and let's say 5 of those 10 were majors, Cat 3 or higher, and caused many deaths, injuries, destruction......Now, how would THEY feel if the forecasters were "right"? Laura, I know you'd be upset, not just with the complainers but the storms themselves, if such a scenario had unfolded. Yes, me and you don't want those storms to hit, and it would be nice like this year, that we didn't have the 20 or 30 storms; it's nice if the forecasters are wrong sometimes. Only when we get all those storms, then the complainers will shut up.

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You are correct. I hate whiners whether it is for something like this, politics or whatever. I always want to smack some sense into them and say, "Frigging do a little research before you mouth off." The meteorologists can just give a best estimate as the information comes in and they would scream bloody murder if all those storms happened and they got a lower estimate. They don't get that they are giving a worst case scenario in case so maybe people would be prepared. I always am every season I've lived here since my first one. Granted Erika fizzled out but I got caught in the last minute rush. Never again, I stay stocked up during the season and if a storm even looks like it is coming my way I fill the gas tank before the lines form. I'm hoping that most of the storms that do form end up fish storms though that is unlikely.

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I don't remember when Erika was, but I followed your evacuation during Ian and the recovery, which we talked a lot about in the last 2 years. OK, so the bold predictions this year I think were based on our current knowledge of La Nina and how it's supposed to work. However, we don't know everything about how the oceans and atmosphere interact, and how they work to form all the year's tropical cyclones. People need to appreciate that. Now Clare, I think we NEED to be prepared; preparation is what saves lives. As for Francine, Clare, the path was pretty well predicted,the models never made any big changes although an initial forecast I think DID favor an East Coast track but that quickly fell apart and soon all the global models were solidly behind the Mississippi Valley track; even the intensity forecast of a Cat 2 turned out to be correct, so Clare, not much of a surprise in Francine.

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