We've been battered repeatedly in Hou with hurricane force winds. Like mini-hurricanes, over and over. It was every two weeks, now it's twice this week. Expecting more. We can't get cleaned up/repaired before the next one comes.

I'm already storm-tired. Not looking forward to more.

I wish everyone safety and health.

Grateful for your posts, Mr. Lowry ⚘

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Thanks, We appreciate your cleaar explainations. I'm am quite a novice and I don't have a clear grip on when and how the conversion from el nino to la nina might actually take place. It would be helpful if you could give us information about both el nino and la nina and how and why the transition takes place. Every day my husband and look forward to your helpful emails during the season.

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Thanks for a post that I think helps tamp down the lamentable hyperbole regarding these forecasts. Since the early season is looking to be rather quiet, thanks to the dust plumes, could you possibly reach out in the next few weeks to the researchers behind NASA's new PACE satellite? I'd love to hear from them.

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Well written & very informative Michael!

Dr. Bernard Loewenthal Jr. (Bernie)

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