I know we needed rain but that was a bit much for some. I hope my friends in Texas don't have too much to deal with from that system in the Gulf.

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I agree. They don't need any system in the Gulf anymore than you needed all that rain. That system could end up pushing Florida-like humid air our way. Our temperatures next week are going to hit the highest level in 7 years, around 98 Tuesday and Wednesday. We could be in the 80s and 90s frequently through July 12th!!

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Sorry to hear that. Down here we are used to 90s all summer with triple digit heat indexes, not that we like it but deal with it. I remember how miserable I was up north when it got to the upper 80s and into the 90s. hated it. After the first summer here I got used to it and now the 90s don't bother me when the humidity is low. Not as bad on the Gulf side as it is on the Atlantic, especially south Florida where the east coast gets the heat and humidity off the Everglades. We get a nice breeze off the Gulf.

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